
Implementation of numerical methods for the solution of nonlinear equations in C++ code.

Primary LanguageHTML

PCSC - Project 5: Non-linear systems

Authors: Cyril Vallez, Eliott Zemour.
Implementation of numerical methods for the solution of nonlinear equations (NLE).

The numerical methods implemented are:

  • Bisection,
  • Fixed point methods:
    • Chord,
    • Newton

And an acceleration feature through Aitken's delta squared process is also implemented according to this source.
The main source for this project can be found at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/9781118673515.app8.

Finally, this project includes an extension to systems of nonlinear equations (NLS) solved by the Newton method in n-dimensions.


This project relies on the following librairies:

  • GoogleTest
  • cmath
  • chrono
  • string
  • iostream
  • cstdlib

Architecture of the project


A Doxygen generated documentation is also available within the 'html' folder of the repository.

How to use

There are several ways to use the numerical methods implemented:

  • Either though out of class methods Solve_Newton, Solve_Chord, Solve_Bisection are designed to instantiate the NLE Solver objects, call their own solve function to obtain the solution and then delete them. Code example:
    double function(double x)
    // definition of function
    double (*func)(double x) = &function;
    double LeftEdge = -5.;
    double RightEdge = 5.;
    double solution = Solve_Bisection(func, LeftEdge, RightEdge);
  • Either by dynamically allocating memory for a NLE Solver object and directly calling its solve function. In this case the user is responsible of deleting the object. Code example:
    double function(double x)
    // definition of function
    double (*func)(double x) = &function;
    double LeftEdge = -5.;
    double RightEdge = 5.;
    NLE_Solver* solver = new Bisection_Solver(func, LeftEdge, RightEdge);
    double solution = solver->Solve();
    delete solver;