Authors: Cyril Vallez, Eliott Zemour.
Implementation of numerical methods for the solution of nonlinear equations (NLE).
The numerical methods implemented are:
- Bisection,
- Fixed point methods:
- Chord,
- Newton
And an acceleration feature through Aitken's delta squared process is also implemented according to this source.
The main source for this project can be found at
Finally, this project includes an extension to systems of nonlinear equations (NLS) solved by the Newton method in n-dimensions.
This project relies on the following librairies:
- GoogleTest
- cmath
- chrono
- string
- iostream
- cstdlib
A Doxygen generated documentation is also available within the 'html' folder of the repository.
There are several ways to use the numerical methods implemented:
- Either though out of class methods Solve_Newton, Solve_Chord, Solve_Bisection are designed to instantiate the NLE Solver objects, call their own solve function to obtain the solution and then delete them. Code example:
double function(double x)
// definition of function
double (*func)(double x) = &function;
double LeftEdge = -5.;
double RightEdge = 5.;
double solution = Solve_Bisection(func, LeftEdge, RightEdge);
- Either by dynamically allocating memory for a NLE Solver object and directly calling its solve function. In this case the user is responsible of deleting the object. Code example:
double function(double x)
// definition of function
double (*func)(double x) = &function;
double LeftEdge = -5.;
double RightEdge = 5.;
NLE_Solver* solver = new Bisection_Solver(func, LeftEdge, RightEdge);
double solution = solver->Solve();
delete solver;