
Bug report on switch user

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Hello, I am using Garuda Linux and I made a bug report on the forum for Garuda, but after some investigation they've directed me here because it seems that the bug comes from Sweet

The bug is basically that the PC gets stuck in an infinite logging in screen loop if you do the following: switch user, but then switch back to the initial user before logging in to your secondary user. You are using user X, you begin to swap to user Y, but swap back to user X before entering password for user Y. That's when the bug occurs

This doesn't happen when global theme is set to "Breeze dark", from my testing it only happens on Sweet and a theme for Garuda called "Dr460nizezd Global Theme" which is in turn based on Sweet.

I will copy two action sequence orders that I listed on the previous post below which both trigger the bug. And I will also link to that post

task manager -> leave -> switch user -> switch user -> back -> enter pw. This triggers the bug on Sweet/Dragonized but works as intended on breeze dark

task manager -> leave -> switch user -> switch user -> activate switch user (promted to secondary user login screen) -> switch user -> switch to this session (initial user). This also triggers the bug on Sweet/Dragonized but works as intended on breeze dark

Here is the link: https://forum.garudalinux.org/t/bug-report-regarding-switch-user/26854/4