
Minor changes that have been discovered as a result of writing documentation

Closed this issue · 3 comments

  • in Rename-Many the following code needs an adjustment:
    [PSCustomObject]$operantOptions = [PSCustomObject]@{
      ShortCode    = 'remy';
      OperantName  = 'UndoRename';
      Shell        = 'PoShShell';
      BaseFilename = 'undo-rename';
      DisabledKey  = 'LOOPZ_REMY_UNDO_DISABLED';

The DisabledKey should be overridable by the Context and therefore shouldnt be hardcoded here as 'LOOPZ_REMY_UNDO_DISABLED'

  • Add a PassThru param and send the result of the operation out of the backend of the pipleline.

  • check occurrence param validators (move/update-match), 0 is not allowed

  • Initialize-ShellOperant: Path.IsPathRooted is invoke incorrectly and will fail. Needs to be [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted


  • Rename Select-Text to Select-Patterns which better represents its functionality

  • Add Default to Resolve-ByPlatform (to be consistent with Invoke-ByPlatform)

  • There is a test that generates the following output"

====== *** [ The monarch will be crowned The monarch will be crowned The monarch will be crowned The monarch will be crowned ] *** ===

This has shown up the fact that there is a missing test, ie one that checks that multi character 'open' and 'close' entries in the Krayloa theme which would check that the overflowing message is truncated successfully.

Actually, both Invoke-ByPlatform and Resolve-ByPlatform already both support a default, the client just needs to add a default entry to the hash.

There is an accidental named Exchange key: 'LOOP.KRAYON' which should be 'LOOPZ.KRAYON'.

The issue about the test should be addressed in a separate issue (#102), because it looks like Show-Header is not currently using the function Format-StructuredLine, which it probably should be.