
Giftcard page

georgebutter opened this issue · 5 comments

Styling and locales

Rebuild from scratch

check out Jean Jail

From @Cam

The gift card template needs testing and improving upon.

It would be good to include some custom fields on both the gift card product page and the gift card landing page itself...
See: https://help.shopify.com/themes/liquid/objects/gift-card#gift_card-properties
(and https://help.shopify.com/themes/liquid/objects/line_item#line_item-properties)

The templates to rework are:


This template needs an if statement to identify if the product is a gift card, then show a custom layout to suit if it is. There should also be a new section created for gift card customisation.

Needs some sample line item info like "To name", "Custom message", etc.

layout/gift_card.liquid & templates/gift_card.liquid

These templates need testing and customisation. They are the landing pages for customers who click through from the gift card email to view the online version with value/spent and other details.

Needs some sample line item info like "To name", "Custom message", etc.

Gift card page verification & fix:

  • MMC
  • Verloop
  • ABS
  • Teach Me Fashion
  • Emperor
  • RW Wholesale
  • Kerrin
Cam commented

This won't be required with the new version.