
Subscription.ts error

MrArabAi opened this issue · 4 comments

I was following your video step by step and i made it until the end but .. i got this error

src\lib\subscription.ts (13:29) @ async checkSubscription

11 | }
12 |

13 | const _userSubscriptions = await db
| ^
14 | .select()
15 | .from(userSubscriptions)
16 | .where(eq(userSubscriptions.userId, userId));

Hi could you give me more information on the error? Thank you

I solve it ! Thank you. I forget to push it on dirzzel using npx drizzle-kit push:pg

Which document coding did you use to start up the project, before going into Visual Studio?

Hey I am too following the tutorial step by step but I'm stuck with an error it is...
Error upserting chunk [PineconeError: PineconeClient: Error calling upsert: PineconeError: The requested feature 'Namespaces' is not supported by the current index type 'Starter'.]

How to solve this error. I am using the free tier of the pinecone DB is there any option without upgrading the pinecone plan