
My personal portfolio

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Future concerns

  1. Animations
  2. Detailed description of Skills (include libraries, technologies etc) [done]
  3. Hover skill wil show relevant projects
  4. Discover CMS [added strapi]
  5. blog [planning]
  6. url shortener (ellipsion.tech / ellipsion.dev)
  7. ability to create custom content sharing and link tree pages


  • Projects page
  • Add message to project live link
  • Add blur support for elements on mobile
  • Test github hosting (figured out vercel file transfer is slow)
  • Project detail
  • Add button links and configure contact buttons
  • configure contact form
  • Animations

Project Detail Page

  • title
  • description
  • screenshots
  • tech stack
  • challenges
  • technologies used
  • new/exceptional technology that is used