
Embed Obsidian Note as Frame?

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I have a heatmap calendar plugin that I use and I want to embed the file as a frame. At the moment I am just placing the note in my sidebar but it's not as clean as I would like. Is this possible? I've tried point the URL to the file but it's not rendering anything

Desired Functionality

Never mind. I figured it out with custom css. I added the property "cssclass" = .heatmap to the YAML of my heatmap file. Then I used the following CSS snippet to clean it up a little (centring, removal of title & turn off scrolling)

/* targets the .heatmap css class, centres the content and turns off scrolling */
.heatmap {
    display: stretch;
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    overflow-y: hidden;
    padding-top: 0px;
    margin-top: -20px;

/* removes the title. May not be necessary  */
.heatmap .view-header-title{
    display: none

/* removes the title. 100% necessary */
.heatmap .inline-title{
    display: none;


Still it would be nice to have this as a pane/frame with an icon instead of a note