In Elm 0.19 there is elm.json
instead of elm-package.json
. The strucuture didn't change for "source-directories"
function! s:findLocalModule(rel_path, root) |
let l:package_json = a:root . '/elm-package.json' |
if exists('*json_decode') |
let l:package = json_decode(readfile(l:package_json)) |
let l:source_roots = l:package['source-directories'] |
else |
" This is a fallback for vim's which do not support json_decode. |
" It simply only looks in the 'src' subdirectory and fails otherwise. |
let l:source_roots = ['src'] |
end |
for l:source_root in l:source_roots |
let l:file_path = a:root . '/' . l:source_root . '/' . a:rel_path |
if !filereadable(l:file_path) |
continue |
endif |
return l:file_path |
endfor |
endfunction |
Other code was updated and is backwards-compatible.