
Can't play Soundcloud imbeds w/o out setting a disable rule

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I didn't find this come up on the Wiki, so apologies if I'm bringing up an old topic. I frequent a lot of sites that use Soundcloud to demonstrate audio projects or gear.

I use this app extension regularly and on most other things, like YouTube, it stops autoplay, but I just click play when I'm ready and the file plays. With the Soundcloud stuff it doesn't play unless I make a rule to whitelist that site.

Seems like I should be able to play a file if I choose and still stop autoplays from happening.

It's 2021 and I'm having Soundcloud issues. A "www.soundcloud.com nothing" rule won't even work for me. I have to turn the actual Chrome extension off.

EDIT: Wow. I didn't realize this was no longer being developed. I tried using https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/autoplaystopper/ejddcgojdblidajhngkogefpkknnebdh/related?hl=en and it worked. 👍🏽