
Add URI auth scheme support for UWP

hippogamesunity opened this issue · 8 comments

In UPW build, after I press Allow in browser, it redirects me to localhost. And nothing happens.

BTW I can confirm your plugin works in Editor, Android, iOS and macOS. UWP is the last boss for me, so I will thank you for any help and tips =)

I guess you need to allow the app to access localhost. Check this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33259763/uwp-enable-local-network-loopback

Do you mean each user should execute the code after installing an UWP app from Microsoft Store?)
c:\>checknetisolation loopbackexempt -a -n=<package family name>

I've also tried enabling client&server feature with no luck:

Here is another link I've found: https://wpdev.uservoice.com/forums/110705-universal-windows-platform/suggestions/36604855-allow-localhost-loopback-capability-in-uwp-apps-de

Seems it's not possible to pass MS Review with localhost loopback enabled.

The app should ask for a permission to access localhost, which is done with the aforementioned utility. It's just a guess, though.

I've found this: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2InstalledApp
So I suppose you shouldn't use localhost loopback for UWP. I can help you with QA if you will implement option 1 =)

Ah, looks like they've changed the recommended scheme for UWP.

Unfortunately, I'm unable to work on that at the moment, but if anyone is interested, feel free to send PRs.