
FullDoc does not contain full-text

0todd0000 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello! When I run the FullDoc snippet below (from the example script) only the abstract is retrieved and not the full-text, as seen in the "JSON result" below. How can this code be modified to access the full-text?

## ScienceDirect (full-text) document example using DOI
doi_doc = FullDoc(doi = '10.1016/S1525-1578(10)60571-5')
if doi_doc.read(client):
    print ("doi_doc.title: ", doi_doc.title)
    print ("Read document failed.")

JSON result:

{"coredata": {"prism:url": "https://api.elsevier.com/content/article/pii/S1525157810605715", "dc:identifier": "doi:10.1016/S1525-1578(10)60571-5", "eid": "1-s2.0-S1525157810605715", "prism:doi": "10.1016/S1525-1578(10)60571-5", "pii": "S1525-1578(10)60571-5", "dc:title": "Sensitive Sequencing Method for KRAS Mutation Detection by Pyrosequencing ", "prism:publicationName": "The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics", "prism:aggregationType": "Journal", "pubType": "fla", "prism:issn": "15251578", "prism:volume": "7", "prism:issueIdentifier": "3", "prism:startingPage": "413", "prism:endingPage": "421", "prism:pageRange": "413-421", "prism:number": "3", "dc:format": "application/json", "prism:coverDate": "2005-08-31", "prism:coverDisplayDate": "August 2005", "prism:copyright": "Copyright \u00a9 2005 American Society for Investigative Pathology and Association for Molecular Pathology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.", "prism:publisher": "American Society for Investigative Pathology and Association for Molecular Pathology. Published by Elsevier Inc.", "dc:creator": [{"@_fa": "true", "$": "Ogino, Shuji"}, {"@_fa": "true", "$": "Kawasaki, Takako"}, {"@_fa": "true", "$": "Brahmandam, Mohan"}, {"@_fa": "true", "$": "Yan, Liying"}, {"@_fa": "true", "$": "Cantor, Mami"}, {"@_fa": "true", "$": "Namgyal, Chungdak"}, {"@_fa": "true", "$": "Mino-Kenudson, Mari"}, {"@_fa": "true", "$": "Lauwers, Gregory Y."}, {"@_fa": "true", "$": "Loda, Massimo"}, {"@_fa": "true", "$": "Fuchs, Charles S."}], "dc:description": "\n                  Both benign and malignant tumors represent heterogenous tissue containing tumor cells and non-neoplastic mesenchymal and inflammatory cells. To detect a minority of mutant KRAS alleles among abundant wild-type alleles, we developed a sensitive DNA sequencing assay using Pyrosequencing, ie, nucleotide extension sequencing with an allele quantification capability. We designed our Pyrosequencing assay for use with whole-genome-amplified DNA from paraffin-embedded tissue. Assessing various mixtures of DNA from mutant KRAS cell lines and DNA from a wild-type KRAS cell line, we found that mutation detection rates for Pyrosequencing were superior to dideoxy sequencing. In addition, Pyrosequencing proved superior to dideoxy sequencing in the detection of KRAS mutations from DNA mixtures of paraffin-embedded colon cancer and normal tissue as well as from paraffin-embedded pancreatic cancers. Quantification of mutant alleles by Pyrosequencing was precise and useful for assay validation, monitoring, and quality assurance. Our Pyrosequencing method is simple, robust, and sensitive, with a detection limit of approximately 5% mutant alleles. It is particularly useful for tumors containing abundant non-neoplastic cells. In addition, the applicability of this assay for DNA amplified by whole-genome amplification technique provides an expanded source of DNA for large-scale studies.\n               ", "openaccess": "0", "openaccessArticle": false, "openaccessType": null, "openArchiveArticle": false, "openaccessSponsorName": null, "openaccessSponsorType": null, "openaccessUserLicense": null, "link": [{"@href": "https://api.elsevier.com/content/article/pii/S1525157810605715", "@rel": "self", "@_fa": "true"}, {"@href": "https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1525157810605715", "@rel": "scidir", "@_fa": "true"}]}, "scopus-id": "23844497341", "scopus-eid": "2-s2.0-23844497341", "pubmed-id": "16049314", "link": {"@href": "https://api.elsevier.com/content/abstract/scopus_id/23844497341", "@rel": "abstract"}, "originalText": {"xocs:doc": {"xocs:meta": {"xocs:open-access": {"xocs:oa-article-status": {"@is-open-access": "0", "@is-open-archive": "0"}}, "xocs:available-online-date": {"@yyyymmdd": "20101231", "$": "2010-12-31"}}}}}

Hey Todd - apologies for the late reply - GitHub is not the official support channel for our APIs (this is).

The API only returns the full-text document if the document is open access (or otherwise freely available), or if your API client is recognized - on the basis of its IP address - as associated with an institution whose journal subscriptions cover access to that document/article.

The specific example you provide is of a document that is not open access or otherwise freely available, so that would suggest that you are running your client outside of the IP range of a subscribing institution, or that your institution does not have a subscription that covers that article.

If you are affiliated with a subscribing institution and you need access to its subscribed content from outside its IP address range, you can contact us through the channel mentioned above to request that access.

Hope this helps!

Thank you for the official support channel details.
I am in fact on a campus computer and can see the full text when I go to the specified DOI. The full text does not appear in FullDoc objects. I have submitted a request for technical support at the official support channel.
Thank you for your help!