
ColoringText(Scene) does not work

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If I try rendering the scene I get the following error from the console:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Manim\manim_28aug\manimlib\extract_scene.py", line 155, in main scene = SceneClass(**scene_kwargs) File "C:\Manim\manim_28aug\manimlib\scene\scene.py", line 53, in __init__ self.construct() File "solow.py", line 49, in construct run_time = 0.12 File "C:\Manim\manim_28aug\manimlib\animation\composition.py", line 34, in __init__ [anim.mobject for anim in animations] File "C:\Manim\manim_28aug\manimlib\animation\composition.py", line 34, in <listcomp> [anim.mobject for anim in animations] AttributeError: type object 'ApplyMethod' has no attribute 'mobject'

Note: I am using the 28 Aug version.

What part of

I remind you that this course is based on the version of February 3, 2019

is it not clear?
In a few months I will make an update, but in the meantime, if you want to use my course, you have to use the version that I specify.