
How to convert simple string to LaTeX string programmatically ?

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if we try TextMobject(" \# \{ \} ")
it works fine.
but if we try following code TextMobject(" # { } ")
it will result into following error

File "manimlib\utils\tex_file_writing.py", line 67, in tex_to_dvi
    "See log output above or the log file: %s" % log_file)
Exception: Latex error converting to dvi. See log output above or the log file: ./media\Tex\c2fe0a3b9407ff29.log

is there any way to convert simple string " # { } " to LaTex string " \# \{ \} " ?
something like print(StringToLaTexString(" # { } "))
Output should be \# \{ \}
So that we can use something like TextMobject(StringToLaTexString(" # { } ")) to avoid error.

i created following function

def latex_escape(str):
    # Replace a \ with $\backslash$
    # This is made more complicated because the dollars will be escaped
    # by the subsequent replacement. Easiest to add \backslash
    # now and then add the dollars
    # Must be done after escape of \ since this command adds latex escapes
    # Replace characters that can be escaped
    # Replace ^ characters with \^{} so that $^F works okay
    # Replace tilde (~) with \texttt{\~{}} # Replace tilde (~) with \texttt{\~{}}
    list = ["\\", "^", "~", '&', '%', '$', '#', '_', '{', '}']
    change_to = ["$\\backslash$", "\\^{}", "\\texttt{\\~{}}", '\\&', '\\%', '\\$', '\\#', '\\_', '\\{', '\\}']

    for i in list:
        if i in str:
            str = str.replace(i, change_to[list.index(i)])
    return str

and remember that you can't create a single curly brackets '{' or '}' in LaTeX
means you can't create TextMobject(" \{") or TextMobject(" \}") or TextMobject(" \{aaa")
so you can try following methods
3b1b/manim#941 (comment)