
RaidBuffIndicator anyUnit checkbox does nothing

snwflake opened this issue · 0 comments


Rejuv on the frame is from the other druid.
I've tried resetting the filter, toggling the checkbox a couple times, no changes.

["buffwatch"] = {
	["PRIEST"] = {
		[139] = {
			["enabled"] = false,
			["color"] = {
				["g"] = 0.7019607843137254,
		[77613] = {
			["enabled"] = true,
			["anyUnit"] = false,
			["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
			["xOffset"] = 0,
			["yOffset"] = 0,
			["sizeOffset"] = 0,
			["style"] = "coloredIcon",
			["color"] = {
				["b"] = 0.2,
				["g"] = 0.7019607843137254,
				["r"] = 0.4,
			["id"] = 77613,

This is the only occurence of buffwatch in the entirety of my db file.