
Any chance to skin Panacea Drums?

fatlus opened this issue · 1 comments

An addon für better drumming of leatherworking drums. This is addon is standard on my server.


Better, permanent download link for Panacea Drums is here:


But Panacea itself has multiple bugs:

  • Its party chat/whisper features break when certain other addons are enabled too. Not investigated which ones or why. But that's a ridiculous bug!
  • If you disable all addons except Panacea, and try /ccd, you get no config UI. I suspect it depends on Ace libraries which aren't embedded in Panacea itself, and are instead only loaded if other addons contain them.

As for making a skin... it's pretty easy. But not worth it unless Panacea's bugs are fixed first. Which should be done in my repository above. But I have ZERO time for it (pull requests are welcome). There's tons of other addons and bugs to fix on my schedule and I barely have time for those either...