
Note regarding CallToArms (getting latest TBC version)

Arcitec opened this issue · 0 comments

@Apollyonn I saw that you posted a skin a month ago, with the notice "CallToArms r13". That's an ancient Vanilla WoW version from Dec 2006: https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/project-829/files

The latest version for TBC can be gotten by doing this:

  1. Download r54 from here: https://www.wowace.com/projects/call-to-arms/files (This is from Nov 2008).

  2. Download r58 from the SAME page.

  3. Unpack r54 to your WoW Addons folder.

  4. Copy CTALocalization.lua from r58 to your addon's folder, overwriting the r54 version of that file ONLY.

This achieves the following:

  • r54 has the final addon code that's still compatible with the Burning Crusade client. The r58 code is not compatible (the only code-difference in r58 is that it now uses WoW 3.x's new event handling system instead of TBC's... basically just changes function argument orders a bit...).
  • r58 added some missing BC dungeons and raids (everything released after Karazhan) to CTALocalization.lua. That's why we overwrite that file.

I thought about making a Github repo where I had done this merge, but I don't use CallToArms so I didn't release these fixes.

I tried out the addon today, and I remember actively using it in the TBC days... But I find CallToArms very obnoxious since it does a /who on a person every time someone writes a LF/LFM/LFG message. And those "who is this person?" requests always cause a "Who" window to pop up on screen. So in the middle of questing or raiding, it disrupts everything by showing me Who-results for random people I don't care about.

The best feature of CTA is that it detects and lists every person who has been asking for groups/more people recently. But to me it's not worth the "/who" annoyance.

Anyway, I wanted to share this info for those who do use CallToArms. Enjoy!