
function-type on a string constant

lapo-luchini opened this issue · 3 comments

var server = () ? 'http://test/' : 'http://production/';
angular.module('myMod', []).constant('server', server);

gives me a Use anonymous functions instead of named function angular/function-type.

I tried with:

angular.module('myMod', []).constant('server', function () {
    return () ? 'http://test/' : 'http://production/';

but that returns the literal function, not the value.

What's the suggested approach here?

Seems to be a bug. Maybe a work around is to call the function immediately. I'm guessing without testing.

miqh commented

@lapo-luchini, if you're still stuck on this, have you checked that the angular/function-type rule that's applying is using the named option?

If you haven't overridden anything, both plugin:angular/johnpapa and plugin:angular/bestpractices will use anonymous as the default option for the rule, which causes the lint you're seeing.

That is, they'll be equivalent to have the rule:

"angular/function-type": [2, "anonymous"]

The problem I was referring to is that the parameter was a string, not a function. (named or otherwise)