
Add missing "+" buttons to list entries

Opened this issue · 1 comments

In the Aluminium home page, it shows my anime list and manga list and on the right side of each item there is a "+" button to add 1 episode/chapter to the amount watched/read. If I go to the view that is just my anime list or just my manga list, then the "+" button isn't there. Seems like an oversight, maybe?

For the record, the user score shown in the list view is good to have. I don't want it removed, I just want the "+" button as well as the score. In fact, the score should probably be added to the list entries on the homepage.

This screenshot of Aluminium shows my homepage, which has the "+" buttons.

This screenshot of Aluminium shows my anime list, which does not have the "+" buttons.

The reason why it wasn't added is because there's just not enough space to fit it in, really
The homepage has it because there is less info being shown below the media title (only progress and sometimes airing status or Rewatching indicator) and the whole point of the home page is updating progress as quickly as possible, while on the list I'm trying to shove in format, progress/count, rewatch count, notes indicator, and the score, on a phone screen. Basically both screens try to mimic the website with the information being presented.

That whole reasoning aside, it could probably be an option, or I could add another style of list view that has larger items and thus more space to fit a button in without it getting cramped.