This parser converts one-line expression into assembly language format using the current ISA. It takes an input that consists of arithmetic and logic expressions and generate the corresponding assembly code.
An example input could be like this: [(((117|64)++)-(47&15))--]^!(12-95)
Then the program converts this expression into postfix form to be able to process it more easily. Then it converts it into a binary tree and compute the result to derive the final solution.
One of the crucial tasks was to track the registers. Because we have only four registers, we need to keep track of each operation and empty the registers that we don't need anymore.
ldi 0 117 ldi 1 64 or 2 0 1 inc 2 ldi 0 47 ldi 1 15 and 3 0 1 sub 0 2 3 dec 0 ldi 2 12 ldi 3 95 sub 1 2 3 not 1 1 xor 0 0 1