
This program simulates a shopping service by synchronizing the product sales, reservations and cancellations using PThread, mutexes and semaphores.

Primary LanguageC


This program simulates a shopping service by synchronizing the product sales, reservations and cancellations. There exists different customers and sellers who can make following operations:

  • Buy Product
  • Reserve Product
  • Cancel Reservation

Implementation Details

We used PThread library, mutexes and semaphores to provide synchronization. Each customer and seller is a different thread, and they all work asynchronously. While a seller can serve more than one customer, a customer can only shop from one seller. The main thread is responsible for finishing the current day and cancelling the reservations that were supposed to finish but couldn't.

Each seller's and customer's actions are determined randomly to provide variation.


You give an input to the program containing these informations:

  • Number of Customers
  • Number of Sellers
  • Number of Simulation Days
  • Number of Products
  • Number of Instances for each product
  • Detailed Customer Informations
  • Limits per Day


The program outputs these:

  • Each transaction containing the informations of the customer_id, seller_id, simulation_day, operation and is_successful.
  • The number of transaction that each customer did. Also, same for the sellers.
  • The amounts of bought, reserved and cancelled information for each product.