
Documentation: Note on spAuthenticationResponseFilter and defaultTargetUrl

kraxner opened this issue · 0 comments

Less issue than addition to the documentation:

I understand this is only a sample application, but with

    public Filter spAuthenticationResponseFilter() {
            SamlResponseAuthenticationFilter filter = (SamlResponseAuthenticationFilter)         super.spAuthenticationResponseFilter();
            filter.setAuthenticationManager(new SamlAuthenticationManager());
            return filter;

in conjunction with SSL terminated by e.g. a load balancer you will run into the problem that after successful authentication via IdP a redirect is done to http:// ... instead of https://
(because the defaultTargetUrl is /, which then is expanded ...)

By setting the successhandler explicitely the defaultTargetUrl can be set, e.g. using the already defined basepath (which is used to generate the metadata?)

    filter.setAuthenticationManager(new SamlAuthenticationManager());

    SavedRequestAwareAuthenticationSuccessHandler successHandler = new SavedRequestAwareAuthenticationSuccessHandler();