
Rebuild the framework to be more efficient!

0xENDER opened this issue · 6 comments

  • Add a resources-loader. (This way, the app should take much less time to load content that has been already loaded)
  • Separate EnderFramework files from EnderSerivces files
  • Add a request element
  • Rearrange the files system
  • Rebuild the custom elements, properly!
  • Replace the remote module before the release of Electron v12
  • Add an optimizer
  • Disable NodeJS and the remote module in all of the secondary webview-s
  • Disable HTTP: and HTTPS: protocols in the main content webview
  • Add the packaging helper. (https://github.com/EnderAdel/EnderFramework/tree/master/helper)
  • Isolate the apps' content!
  • Update the built-in apps to work with the new framework!
  • Change the framework to follow the system style and be more consistent with the system's theme (Support Windows 10, Windows Legacy UI, and macOS, and add a default theme for Linux) - #234
  • Make it so custom themes are required to be consistent with the system
  • Move the app content from the webview to the main process
  • Isolate NodeJS modules and the require function from the app content process. I don't know about this!


  "name": "[name]",
  "start": "[file_in_content]",
  "version": "[version]",
  "publisher": "[publisher]",
  "splashScreen": true,
  "splashCooldown": 0,
  "splashText": "Built using EnderStudio!",
  "server": {
    "feedback": "https://example.com/MyServerFiles/Feedback.php?message=[0]",
    "bugTracking": "https://example.com/MyServerFiles/BugsTracking.php?useragent=[0]&appversion=[1]&error=[2]",
    "bugReporting": "https://example.com/MyServerFiles/BugReprots.php?message=[0]"
  "window": {
    "type": "normal",
    "width": 940,
    "height": 560,
    "minWidth": 940,
    "minHeight": 560,
    "maxWidth": null,
    "maxHeight": null,
    "isFullscreenable": true,
    "isClosable": true,
    "isMinimizable": true,
    "isMaximizable": true,
    "maximizeOnStart": true,
    "resizable": true
  "content": {
    "theme": "default",
    "colorScheme": "system",
    "redirectAnimations": true,
    "contextMenu": true,
    "infoScreen": true,
    "protocol": "[this_is_not_working_yet]",
    "coverOnMaximize": false,
    "customStyle": true,
    "customElements": true
  "hardware": {
    "highGPUPerformance": true
  "enable": {
    "JavaScript": true,
    "WebGL": true,
    "devTools": true,
    "spellcheck": true
  "menu": {
    "type": "none"