
Feature request: per-scene, per-door settings

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently the module creates a global sound profile for every door in every scene. Can the module be enhanced with the following:

  • Per-scene door settings. If all the doors in one scene are iron, they should screech, but if the doors in another are wood, they should creak, for example.
  • Per-door overrides. If I have one iron portcullis in a building full of wooden doors, I want it to sound like iron instead of wood.

I can see that we can change the sounds for individual doors, thank you. I would, however, like to second the request for a global default setting for each scene. For instance my players have an old spceship and I would like their door sound to be different to when they enter a modern new battleship. At the moment I would have to copy-paste each door. Thank you.