
Past skill training checks are gone, past values are untogglable

drywallmud opened this issue · 6 comments

So my characters all have their old skill values, but their checkmarks are gone. To add the checks, it only adds +5 again.


In the latest update I moved where Skill Training is stored from being stored as skills#value to skills#training The migration script should have moved the stored value over. This might have happened if the migration scripts failed for someone reason (I had tested them on sever different worlds) If you made a backup of your world I wouldn't mind looking at the characters to see where the issue arose from.

Alternatively if you where using an Active Effect for the training that might explain the issue, in which case the effects would need to be changed from targeting value to training.

If you do not have any back ups, you can export the characters to json, and find the skills#value set the value to be zero, and move the value to skills#training .

Just reading over everything again, there was a small error in a late addition of the the migration script that was causing the process to hang so nothing was being changed. I put out a hot patch that should fix the issue.

Your original suggestion in strikethrough fixed the issue, but the hotfix didn't seem to make the change for me. If you would still like to see my backup, I can still send it.

FoxLee commented

I can confirm that I have this issue too, even with the hotfix. Easy enough to fix on PCs with an import/export, but if I were using training on monsters it would be a heck of a thing...

I AM using training on monsters, and it appears that that is fine. I'm not sure about before the fix.


I'm going to close this issue, as it is no longer relevant.