
Paper's API has changed package names

russjr08 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello again! I figured you might want this to be separate from the bug report that I had previously opened, for the sake of keeping changelogs a bit more organized - apologies if that is not the case though!

It looks like in between 1.16 and 1.17, Paper changed their package name from com.destroystokyo.paper:paper-api to io.papermc.paper:paper-api their "Using the Paper API" page has been updated to reflect this.

However I suspect this may be a bit tricky to work with the fact that the 1.16 still of course use the old package name, whereas 1.17 uses the new one.

I've temporarily resolved this in my project by just manually specifying compileOnly 'io.papermc.paper:paper-api:1.17.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT' in my dependencies, but its worth noting that you'll need to add:

compileJava {
    targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_16
    sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_16

To your project in order for it to resolve properly

Thanks for the report. I'll fix it in the next version