
setDsn error

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Hi, I tried to compile and run the dev version of the plugin but it seems that there is something wrong with the dsn of the plugin tracker. here is the error.

Thank you for your report!
I've added the commit (fc89fb0) to fix this problem. Now you should be able to build RPGInv

Thank you for your report!
I've added the commit (fc89fb0) to fix this problem. Now you should be able to build RPGInv

Thanks for the quick answer. However, it seems to not be fixed yet, I have an other error message ^^'

Try to place this string "https://3ad55d59f82f48039fbb37e50f09de2d@o209384.ingest.sentry.io/1331962" to dsn variable instead of "no_dsn". If it works, I'll change hardcoded dsn.

Try to place this string "https://3ad55d59f82f48039fbb37e50f09de2d@o209384.ingest.sentry.io/1331962" to dsn variable instead of "no_dsn". If it works, I'll change hardcoded dsn.

Well, it seems to not have this error anymore but it has some dependencies issues I guess. I use the "all" jar with all the libs shaded in but I still have a CNFE error.

Look like you've not installed Mimic plugin

Look like you've not installed Mimic plugin

Yup, I installed it and all's good.

I want to keep this issue to not forget to fix these issues.

Verified it was fixed in 2.4.0