BlendModesBatchRenderer plugin for PixiJS

Emulates BLEND_MODES.ADD using BLEND_MODES.NORMAL and batches sprites with these blend modes into a single draw call


unless BlendModesBatchRenderer.forceAddBlend is set to true (default is false) any blend mode other than BLEND_MODES.NORMAL and BLEND_MODES.ADD will break the batch.

If BlendModesBatchRenderer.forceAddBlend = true then all other blend modes except BLEND_MODES.NORMAL will be treated as BLEND_MODES.ADD


npm install --save-dev @enea-entertainment/pixi-blend-modes-batch


PixiJS v7: npm version ^1.0.1

PixiJS v6: npm version ^0.5.0


PixiJS v7: clone master branch

PixiJS v6: clone v6 branch

npm i
npm run build


Import the plugin and register it before initializing PixiJS:

import { BlendModesBatchRenderer } from '@enea-entertainment/pixi-blend-modes-batch';
import { extensions } from 'pixi.js';


Create a scene and these 2 sprites will be rendered in single draw call:

const sprite1 = new Sprite('myTexture');

// tell pixi to use BlendModesBatchRenderer
sprite1.pluginName =;
// this is really not needed as NORMAL mode is default
sprite1.blendMode = BLEND_MODES.NORMAL;

const sprite2 = new Sprite('myOtherTexture');

// tell pixi to use BlendModesBatchRenderer
sprite2.pluginName =;
sprite2.blendMode = BLEND_MODES.ADD;

Instead of setting pluginName property you can use helper method convertToBlendModesBatch

const sprite1 = new Sprite('myTexture');
const sprite2 = new Sprite('myOtherTexture');

// tell pixi to use BlendModesBatchRenderer

To convert whole subtree use convertSubtreeToBlendModesBatch

import { Application } from 'pixi.js';

const app = new Application();

// add some sprites to app.stage


To control the intensity of 'additive blend' set the static property on BlendModesBatchRenderer before initializing the plugin:

BlendModesBatchRenderer.intensity = 0.75;

where 0 is no effect, 1 is full effect.

You can also override default Pixi's BatchRenderer:

import { BlendModesBatchRenderer } from '@enea-entertainment/pixi-blend-modes-batch';
import { BatchRenderer, extensions } from 'pixi.js';

extensions.remove(BatchRenderer); = 'batch';


// init PixiJS

const sprite1 = new Sprite('myTexture');
const sprite2 = new Sprite('myOtherTexture');

sprite2.blendMode = BLEND_MODES.ADD;

From now on, all scene elements that used the default Pixi batch will use BlendModesBatchRenderer. Even newly created ones, so you don't have to set or convert anything.

Inspired by pixi-heaven


MIT, see LICENSE for details.