
Unblock mstdn.io, nextdns.io

teakoder opened this issue · 6 comments


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You can select more than one category of issues if you need to!

  • Whitelist
  • Blacklist
  • App Broken
  • Website Broken
  • Request
  • Other Issue


Write the name of the pack(s) you are using.

  • Pack(s) Name: Ultimate


Also name the extension(s) if you are using any. If you don't then leave it blank.

  • Extension(s) Name:


If you are submitting this issue for whitelist/blacklist issue, send us the domain(s) for whitelisting/blacklisting here. Kindly use the Code Tag to prevent tracking.

  • Domain(s):


Your Config:

Just to ensure there is no issues or conflicts with other app/software/magisk module/extension/source list.
Make sure you are running Energized Protection Service only.

  • Client: NextDNS
  • Version: Latest


Write us a lil bit more about your issue or query. You can attach any screen shot or log of the issue or advert, this will help to highlight it.

  • Your Issue Detail: mstdn.io domain (a Mastodon server) was working well since 2017. I don't know why it was blocked today. I'm using NextDNS as my blocklists manager. However, I am unable to access NextDNS to manually whitelist these domains.

Why not *.nextdns.io ?
At least this one needs to be added also: link-ip.nextdns.io

@correabuscar I think it's good to be accurate when reporting issue. Trying to make the project's maintainers life easier.
As for link-ip.nextdns.io, I didn't see this domain in my logs. I only report those domains that I see in my logs.

@teakoder makes sense, thank you for reporting.

There are a bunch of random-looking *.test.nextdns.io that I'm seeing in uMatrix with Firefox, when visiting my.nextdns.io too. Who knows what others. I doubt blocking any subdomain under nextdns.io was a good idea anyway, but maybe I'm wrong. (EDIT: I wondered which of the sources did it but since it's already fixed, it might be tough to track down)

You can see link-ip.nextdns.io in the first tab called Setup, on the right under Linked IP where it says:

If you are unable to set up NextDNS using our apps, DNS-over-TLS, DNS-over-HTTPS or IPv6, then use the DNS servers below and link your IP. This is mostly for use on home networks and not recommended on mobile.`

then expand the Show advanced options from below, where it says: You can also programmatically update your linked IP by calling:, there you can see that hostname link-ip.nextdns.io mentioned.

EDIT2: unrelated, the whitelist is a lil bit suspicious, the last two entries, clearly not meant to be pointing at the real google:


*.io is all blocked, this might not be Energized Ultimate's fault, maybe? more investigation is needed

There are a bunch of random-looking *.test.nextdns.io that I'm seeing in uMatrix with Firefox, when visiting my.nextdns.io too.

I see. I'm not using uMatrix. I'm seeing the blocked domains in NextDNS's "Logs". Thanks for the tips anyway. Would be useful in uBO.

You can see link-ip.nextdns.io in the first tab called Setup, on the right under Linked IP where it says:

Right. I'm aware of that. My NextDNS setup is using DoH currently.

EDIT2: unrelated, the whitelist is a lil bit suspicious, the last two entries, clearly not meant to be pointing at the real google:

I agree. The strings looks corrupted or the encoding is messed up. I'm not too sure.

*.io is all blocked, this might not be Energized Ultimate's fault, maybe? more investigation is needed

Few hours earlier, upon carrying out a further investigation on my side, I noticed even more domains that were working previously but were blocked now. For examples:


Since you brought up about the *.io is all blocked, now I'm thinking the blast radius is wider than I thought now.
I don't know and cannot conclude whether this might be Energized Ultimate's fault.

Edit 1: all *.rs domains are blocked.

Semi-related issue: #973