
Website does not work

earlyXbirdNG opened this issue · 13 comments

Hey there!
Energized is very very good and helpful for my daily DNS Filtering.

Unfortunately I am not able to see content on energized.pro anymore..
Furthermore many (I assume all) links are referring to an 404.

Is this Project death?

Yeah I’ve noticed it’s down when Pihole failed to fetch the lists.

Please tell us this isn’t dead.

Oh nooo, I hope the project goes on!

This is a good project, please come back!

I hope that you're gonna back! Do you need more donations support?

jdrch commented

2 weeks and no answer. Looks like the project is dead.

for anyone who wants a replacement to energised's lists, i'd recommend hagezi's https://github.com/hagezi/dns-blocklists#ultimate, the dev does an excellent job of removing false positives and is very active.

haven't ran into a single false positive on the most aggressive list, whereas on energised maintaining a whitelist was becoming a pita.

jdrch commented

for anyone who wants a replacement to energised's lists, i'd recommend hagezi's https://github.com/hagezi/dns-blocklists#ultimate, the dev does an excellent job of removing false positives and is very active.

haven't ran into a single false positive on the most aggressive list, whereas on energised maintaining a whitelist was becoming a pita.

Thanks, I subbed to a few of the lists.

for anyone who wants a replacement to energised's lists, i'd recommend hagezi's https://github.com/hagezi/dns-blocklists#ultimate, the dev does an excellent job of removing false positives and is very active.

haven't ran into a single false positive on the most aggressive list, whereas on energised maintaining a whitelist was becoming a pita.

How do you use this? Can I add this to energized and use this instead? Do Ineed another magisk module?

How do you use this? Can I add this to energized and use this instead? Do Ineed another magisk module?

For android specifically, since u mentioned magisk, you can use the rethink: dns + firewall app, and enable either on device blocking + the blocklists u want to use, or toggle the extreme preset and do it from their dns. https://nextdns.io also does this, and works cross platform, privacy > add blocklist > hagezi

How do you use this? Can I add this to energized and use this instead? Do Ineed another magisk module?

For android specifically, since u mentioned magisk, you can use the rethink: dns + firewall app, and enable either on device blocking + the blocklists u want to use, or toggle the extreme preset and do it from their dns. https://nextdns.io also does this, and works cross platform, privacy > add blocklist > hagezi

Thank you! I added nextdns to my desktop Linux setup and rethink to my phone. These seem to be great projects and really appreciate you sharing them with me.

rip energized 😭

for anyone who wants a replacement to energised's lists, i'd recommend hagezi's https://github.com/hagezi/dns-blocklists#ultimate, the dev does an excellent job of removing false positives and is very active.

haven't ran into a single false positive on the most aggressive list, whereas on energised maintaining a whitelist was becoming a pita.


for anyone who wants a replacement to energised's lists, i'd recommend hagezi's https://github.com/hagezi/dns-blocklists#ultimate, the dev does an excellent job of removing false positives and is very active.

haven't ran into a single false positive on the most aggressive list, whereas on energised maintaining a whitelist was becoming a pita.

Hey man, I had a S7 edge which I broke 2 weeks ago.
Now I bought a redmi note 12 and my phone is full of ads.
Unfortunately I have been missing from these things for 10 years ...
To use these Hagezi lists do I still have to install the energized module via magisk?

for anyone who wants a replacement to energised's lists, i'd recommend hagezi's https://github.com/hagezi/dns-blocklists#ultimate, the dev does an excellent job of removing false positives and is very active.
haven't ran into a single false positive on the most aggressive list, whereas on energised maintaining a whitelist was becoming a pita.

Hey man, I had a S7 edge which I broke 2 weeks ago. Now I bought a redmi note 12 and my phone is full of ads. Unfortunately I have been missing from these things for 10 years ... To use these Hagezi lists do I still have to install the energized module via magisk?

You wouldn't need to use magisk anymore no, you can use nextdns to use the blocklists.