Free tier of Heroku Dynos, Postgres and Data for Redis will no longer be available after November 28, 2022. Let's find a list of services with a free plan that developers can use as an alternative to Heroku. Feel free to submit PRs and improve the list.
- aashutosh0012Technicolor
- anandrmedia@Engagespot
- blacker32Mono LLC.
- bLanK-sudo
- douglasheldpacito
- gitnold
- Idighekere
- InternalizableZahle, Lebanon
- Lehj14/
- mattreduce@hashicorp and @srcmtd
- MushytuBrazil
- netpastorCxense
- nicolaschicaiza@unicauca
- rakhmadRedhat
- scott-steadmanLos Angeles, CA
- sohahaGuangZhou
- tendaikatsandeKonekta Solutions
- xlwc