
Hopper / Hopper minecart not working with a filled Decorated Pot

thunderlight411 opened this issue · 1 comments

WorldEdit Version


WorldGuard Version


Platform Version

git-Paper-350 (MC: 1.20.4)


  • I am using the most recent Minecraft release.
  • I am using a version of WorldEdit compatible with my Minecraft version.
  • I am using a version of WorldGuard compatible with my Minecraft version.
  • I am using the latest or recommended version of my platform software.
  • I am NOT using a hybrid server, e.g. a server that combines Bukkit and Forge. Examples include Arclight, Mohist, and Cardboard.
  • I am NOT using a fork of WorldEdit, such as FastAsyncWorldEdit (FAWE) or AsyncWorldEdit (AWE)

Bug Description

hopper under a decorated pot is not removing the items from the Pot when a item is put into the Decorated Pot.
Interface from Hopper closes when opend

[10:56:58] [Server thread/ERROR]: BlockEntity threw exception at world:2706,65,-285
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder.getInventory()" because the return value of "net.minecraft.world.level.block.entity.TileEntity.getOwner(boolean)" is null
at net.minecraft.world.level.block.entity.HopperBlockEntity.getInventory(HopperBlockEntity.java:377) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.world.level.block.entity.HopperBlockEntity.callPullMoveEvent(HopperBlockEntity.java:350) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.world.level.block.entity.HopperBlockEntity.hopperPull(HopperBlockEntity.java:293) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.world.level.block.entity.HopperBlockEntity.suckInItems(HopperBlockEntity.java:545) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.world.level.block.entity.HopperBlockEntity.lambda$pushItemsTick$0(HopperBlockEntity.java:144) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.world.level.block.entity.HopperBlockEntity.tryMoveItems(HopperBlockEntity.java:205) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.world.level.block.entity.HopperBlockEntity.pushItemsTick(HopperBlockEntity.java:143) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.LevelChunk$BoundTickingBlockEntity.tick(LevelChunk.java:1171) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.LevelChunk$RebindableTickingBlockEntityWrapper.tick(LevelChunk.java:1123) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.world.level.Level.tickBlockEntities(Level.java:1295) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.tick(ServerLevel.java:926) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickChildren(MinecraftServer.java:1717) ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-349]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren(DedicatedServer.java:446) ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-349]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer(MinecraftServer.java:1518) ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-349]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(MinecraftServer.java:1214) ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-349]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(MinecraftServer.java:321) ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-349]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1583) ~[?:?]

When a hopper minecarts moved under a filled decorated pot the hopper minecart is instantly removed from the world when there is a item inside the decorated pot

Expected Behavior

Hopper to be able to remove items from the pot like as this is a vanilla behavior

Reproduction Steps

  1. Place a hopper
  2. place a decorated pot on the hopper
  3. Fill the decorated pot with any item
  4. try to open the hoper.

and for the hopper minecraft

  1. place some rails
  2. place a Hopper minecart
  3. place a decorated pot on top of the Hopper minecart
  4. Fill the Decorated Pot with any item
  5. Hopper minecraft disapears instantly

Optional WorldGuard-Report


Anything Else?

Full server log

This looks like a Paper bug. The reason it's only triggered with WorldGuard installed is that Paper skips firing the event if no handler is installed.

Before reporting to Paper, you should try the latest Paper build to see if the problem persists.