
Add search keywords

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Add search keywords

@vrfloppa It seems the SEO guys say it's kinda useless to add meta keywords as search engines do ignore those.

What they suggest to use is this:

There are three key areas in which you want to put your keyword phrases:

Introduction: Put your keywords within the first 100 words of the page.
Main Content: Put your keywords at least 2-4 times in the main content of the page (evenly spread out).
Summary: Put your keywords within the last 100 words of the page.

Also, we could change the Title of the website - to add something about relocation to the existing Engineering Petr one.


What do you think the scope should be then?

@vrfloppa It seems the SEO guys say it's kinda useless to add meta keywords as search engines do ignore those.

What they suggest to use is this:

There are three key areas in which you want to put your keyword phrases:
Introduction: Put your keywords within the first 100 words of the page.
Main Content: Put your keywords at least 2-4 times in the main content of the page (evenly spread out).
Summary: Put your keywords within the last 100 words of the page.

Also, we could change the Title of the website - to add something about relocation to the existing Engineering Petr one.


What do you think the scope should be then?

That's a good point!
Feel free to change the text on the webpage and the heading. I was also thinking that we may benefit from adding a text in Russian as well.

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