
Question about Packet Delivery Ratio

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I want to know whether the Probability of satisfied V2V links is same to the Packet Delivery Ratio?
I am asked to reach the target that:
When the vehicle density is 300 vehicles/km² and the distance is 100m, the package delivery rate PDR remains above 85%; With 500 vehicles/km², the PDR remains above 80%.
And according to the essay, I found that the Probability of satisfied V2V links drop below 85% when the number of vehicle is only 140.
So I am confused whether the target is to hard to achieve or I misunderstand.
And If the Probability of satisfied V2V links is not the PDR, How can I compute it according to your code?
Thanks a lot!

Hello, I adjusted the number of vehicles, but it reported an error. Is the number of vehicles adjusted in the position of environment initialization?