
No real support for tags

pfctdayelise opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I am not sure if this project is very active now, but in case it is... I see that the YAML header reserves a "tags" field, and the website says that it "supports" tags. But it seems to me it doesn't really. The tags are not displayed (in the default blog example anyway) and no URLS with /tags/ or /tag/ are built. Am I missing something or is this yet to be completed?

wxl commented

First off, this is a bug against the blogofile_blog plugin, so you may want to file an issue there. As you can tell from searching for "tag OR tags", tags aren't not used very much at all. The templates need to be modified to support tags. If you want to include them on a post, for example, you can add ${", ".join(post.tags)} to post.mako and it will replace that with a comma separated list of tags.

If you want links, that's where we need a controller. It needs a tags.py kind of like categories.py in order to build the actual links and put everything in the right place. The templates build a list of category links, but that's based on the knowledge that the controller takes care of putting them there.

Hopefully that will get development started and will give you enough that you can at least get by with tags displayed.