
Bug / Group code doesn't work

Closed this issue · 0 comments

WordPress Version


Enlighter Version


Editing method

Gutenberg Blocks

What happened?

I am playing around with this awesome highlighter (really works wonders!) and I see that I can group multiple code-highlighters together. Awesome!

So, for each Enlighter Sourcecode-block I add a filename and a group identifier, all the same identifiers. When I save the page and look at the result, the Enlighter Sourcecodes (multiple) are still under eachother, while I expected them to be in tabs.

When I look at the HTML I see the data-enlighter-group, which is set on the identifier I have entered. Both Enlighter Sourcecodes have the correct identifiers.

My website is not online, so I can't share a link. But maybe I am doing something wrong or I am missing something?


What browsers are you seeing the problem on?


Your settings (debug)

    "translation-enabled": true,
    "enlighterjs-init": "inline",
    "enlighterjs-assets-js": true,
    "enlighterjs-assets-themes": true,
    "enlighterjs-assets-themes-external": false,
    "enlighterjs-selector-block": "pre.EnlighterJSRAW",
    "enlighterjs-selector-inline": "code.EnlighterJSRAW",
    "enlighterjs-indent": 4,
    "enlighterjs-ampersandcleanup": true,
    "enlighterjs-linehover": true,
    "enlighterjs-rawcodedbclick": false,
    "enlighterjs-textoverflow": "scroll",
    "enlighterjs-linenumbers": true,
    "enlighterjs-theme": "enlighter",
    "enlighterjs-retaincss": false,
    "enlighterjs-language": "generic",
    "toolbar-visibility": "default",
    "toolbar-button-raw": true,
    "toolbar-button-copy": true,
    "toolbar-button-window": true,
    "toolbar-button-enlighterjs": false,
    "tinymce-backend": true,
    "tinymce-frontend": false,
    "tinymce-formats": true,
    "tinymce-autowidth": false,
    "tinymce-tabindentation": false,
    "tinymce-keyboardshortcuts": false,
    "tinymce-font": "sourcecodepro",
    "tinymce-fontsize": "0.7em",
    "tinymce-lineheight": "1.4em",
    "tinymce-color": "#000000",
    "tinymce-bgcolor": "#f9f9f9",
    "gutenberg-backend": true,
    "quicktag-backend": false,
    "quicktag-frontend": false,
    "quicktag-mode": "html",
    "shortcode-mode": "disabled",
    "shortcode-inline": true,
    "shortcode-type-generic": true,
    "shortcode-type-language": false,
    "shortcode-type-group": false,
    "shortcode-filter-content": true,
    "shortcode-filter-excerpt": true,
    "shortcode-filter-widget": false,
    "shortcode-filter-comment": false,
    "shortcode-filter-commentexcerpt": false,
    "gfm-enabled": false,
    "gfm-inline": true,
    "gfm-language": "raw",
    "gfm-filter-content": true,
    "gfm-filter-excerpt": true,
    "gfm-filter-widget": false,
    "gfm-filter-comment": false,
    "gfm-filter-commentexcerpt": false,
    "compat-enabled": false,
    "compat-crayon": false,
    "compat-codecolorer": false,
    "compat-type1": false,
    "compat-type2": false,
    "compat-filter-content": true,
    "compat-filter-excerpt": true,
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    "compat-filter-comment": false,
    "compat-filter-commentexcerpt": false,
    "cache-custom": false,
    "cache-path": "",
    "cache-url": "",
    "dynamic-resource-invocation": false,
    "ext-infinite-scroll": false,
    "jetpack-gfm-code": false,
    "ext-ajaxcomplete": false,
    "bbpress-shortcode": false,
    "bbpress-markdown": false

I've read the docs/troubleshooting guidelines

  • I confirm that i've completely read and followed the troubleshooting guide!

The bug/issues appears in a clean WordPress environment

  • I confirm that the bug/issues happens within a clean WordPress enviroment!