Add wiggletools version number to command line
gevro opened this issue · 3 comments
gevro commented
Can you add wiggletools version number to the command line? It will help reassure me that when I install, I am getting the correct version.
dzerbino commented
Hello @gevro ,
Sure, will do, but to be honest, development & maintenance of WiggleTools have all but stopped, so don't expect this number to change much in future.
gevro commented
I just reinstalled from github, but I don't see the version number.
# wiggletools --help
Copyright [1999-2017] EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute
Development contact: Daniel Zerbino
Citation: Zerbino DR, Johnson N, Juettemann T, Wilder SP and Flicek PR: WiggleTools: parallel processing of large collections of genome-wide datasets for visualization and statistical analysis. Bioinformatics 2014 30:1008-1009.
This library parses wiggle files and executes various operations on them streaming through lazy evaluators.
The program takes in Wig, BigWig, BedGraph, Bed, BigBed, Bam, VCF, and BCF files, which are distinguished thanks to their suffix (.wig, (.bw|.bigWig|.bigwig), .bg, .bed, .bb, .bam, .cram, .vcf, .bcf respectively).
Note that wiggletools assumes that every bam file has an index .bai file next to it.
The program outputs a wiggle file in stdout unless the output is squashed
Command line:
wiggletools --help
wiggletools program
Program grammar:
program = (iterator) | do (iterator) | (extraction) | (statistic) | run (file)
iterator = (in_filename) | (unary_operator) (iterator) | (binary_operator) (iterator) (iterator) | (reducer) (multiplex) | (setComparison) (multiplex_list) | print (output) (statistic)
unary_operator = unit | coverage | write (output) | write_bg (ouput) | smooth (int) | abs | exp | ln | log (float) | pow (float) | offset (float) | shiftPos (int) | scale (float) | gt (float) | gte (float) | lt (float) | lte (float) | default (float) | isZero | toInt | floor | extend (int) | bin (int) | compress | (statistic)
output = (out_filename) | -
in_filename = *.wig | *.bw | *.bed | *.bb | *.bg | *.sam | *.bam | *.cram | read_count *.sam | read_count *.bam | read_count *.cram | *.vcf | *.bcf | - | sam -
statistic = (statistic_function) (iterator) | ndpearson (multiplex) (multiplex)
statistic_function = AUC | meanI | varI | minI | maxI | stddevI | CVI | energy (wavelength) | pearson (iterator)
binary_operator = diff | ratio | overlaps | trim | noverlaps | nearest | apply (statistic) | fillIn | trimFill
reducer = cat | sum | product | mean | var | stddev | entropy | CV | median | min | max
setComparison = ttest | ftest | wilcoxon
multiplex_list = (multiplex) | (multiplex) : (multiplex_list)
multiplex = (iterator_list) | map (unary_operator) (multiplex) | strict (multiplex)
iterator_list = (iterator) | (iterator) : (iterator_list)
extraction = profile (output) (int) (iterator) (iterator) | profiles (output) (int) (iterator) (iterator) | histogram (output) (width) (iterator_list) | mwrite (output) (multiplex) | mwrite_bg (output) (multiplex)
| apply_paste (out_filename) (statistic) (bed_file) (iterator)
gevro commented
Oh, nevermind, I was installing from the wrong branch. Now it works.