
SecurityHub Finding - S3.8 S3 Block Public Access setting should be enabled at the bucket-level

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Finding Title: S3.8 S3 Block Public Access setting should be enabled at the bucket-level

Type of Issue:

  • Security Hub Finding


S3.8 S3 Block Public Access setting should be enabled at the bucket-level


This control checks if Amazon S3 buckets have bucket level public access blocks applied. This control fails if any of the bucket level settings are set to "false" public: ignorePublicAcls, blockPublicPolicy, blockPublicAcls, restrictPublicBuckets.


For directions on how to fix this issue, consult the AWS Security Hub Foundational Security Best Practices documentation.


  • All findings of this type are resolved or suppressed, indicated by a Workflow Status of Resolved or Suppressed. (Note: this ticket will automatically close when the AC is met.)