
Broken link (typo in url) to architecture whitepaper in "BDR-Always-ON" docs

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Whitepaper link is broken on this page: https://www.enterprisedb.com/docs/tpa/latest/architecture-BDR-Always-ON/

"You can check EDB's Postgres Distributed Always On Architectures whitepaper for the detailed layout diagrams."

The "promote" link redirects to "https://www.enterrpisedb.com/resources/white-papers/edb-postgres-distributed-always-architectures" which has multiple typos in "enterrpisedb". It appears the correct link should be: https://www.enterprisedb.com/resources/white-papers/edb-postgres-distributed-always-architectures

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Actually, looking at the whitepaper it only covers PGD5 architectures, not BDR4 or prior

Let me clarify: The docs state the whitepaper covers BDR4 and prior, but the whitepaper (after correcting the link) actually covers PGD5:

You can check EDB's Postgres Distributed Always On Architectures [whitepaper](https://www.enterprisedb.com/promote/bdr-always-on-architectures) for the detailed layout diagrams.
This architecture is meant for use with PGD versions 3.7 and 4.

Ok, as these docs are TPA not PGD, will sync up with @sonotley and see what the best resolution for the TPA docs is.

Ok, none of this is the resposibility of the docs team. It's down to the website team who likely own the https://www.enterprisedb.com/promote/bdr-always-on-architectures URL. Am reporting it to them and closing this ticket.