
Feedback on migration_toolkit 55 - "Installing on Windows"

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I've spent quite a while trying to get MTK working on Windows...

  • The first error was: 64 bit java not found. so I installed the latest JRE from Adoptium
  • That didn't seem to hep so I uninstalled the the 32bit JRE I already had and installed the latest 64bit version from Oracle
  • When I tried again things were worse, with this error: Unable to find JRE in path.
  • I checked the PATH and JAVA_HOME env vars and they seemed fine
  • I spent some time with RegEdit checking and setting various keys but that made no difference
  • Finally I was clicking around in the MTK installation directory and found a file called edbmtk-55.config in etc\sysconfig\
  • That file has a config setting in it called JAVA_EXECUTABLE_PATH - I set that and it worked

The Windows installation instructions say:

The Java executable must be in your search path (%PATH% on Windows)

...which may be true, I suppose, but it makes no mention of the config file and that appears to be crucial.

Where did you see the problem?


Expected behavior

The installation instructions should include information about changing the JRE path in the etc\sysconfig\edbmtk-<version>.config file.


No response

Browser / Platform

Windows 11

Additional notes

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