
PGD5 "Exploring failover" quickstart incorrectly uses local routing configuration

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The "exploring failover" quickstart uses a local routing configuration that doesn't match all the deployment quickstarts which use global routing

All the deployment quickstarts use --pgd-proxy-routing global but "exploring failover" is written for a cluster deployed with local routing, as shown in the failover quickstart: https://www.enterprisedb.com/docs/pgd/latest/quickstart/further_explore_failover/#displaying-the-write-leader

pgd show-groups
(Group        Group ID   Type   Parent Group Location Raft Routing Write Leader
-----        --------   ----   ------------ -------- ---- ------- ------------
democluster  1935823863 global                       true false
dc1_subgroup 1302278103 data   democluster  dc1      true true    kaboom

Where did you see the problem?


Expected behavior

The exploring failover quickstart should use commands that match the global routing configurations used in the deployment quickstarts.


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#5046 should resolve this