
BDR option in default repmgr.conf isn't complete with a default

Closed this issue · 3 comments

In the sample repmgr.conf file supplied with v5.0.0, it doesn't have a default for bdr_recovery_timeout listed, and I can't find it shown anywhere in the documentation:

# BDR monitoring options

#bdr_local_monitoring_only=false         # Only monitor the local node; no checks will be
                                         # performed on the other node
#bdr_recovery_timeout                    # If a BDR node was offline and has become available
                                         # maximum length of time in seconds to wait for the
                                         # node to reconnect to the cluster

Default is 30 seconds (defined in the code as DEFAULT_BDR_RECOVERY_TIMEOUT); however the BDR support in repmgr has now been removed as the version of BDR it supported is now deprecated.

OK, thanks @ibarwick. I forgot to do a case-insensitive search in the code. :-D

If it's deprecated, then I suppose the default config will have them removed in the next version? If not, could you add #bdr_recovery_timeout=30 to it?

Feel free to close this if you feel it's resolved.

Relevant code (which was never used beyond an experimental test case) has been removed entirely, so no further action needed (but thanks for looking anyway).