
SSH Requirements

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When I see a cluster requires ssh to work it makes me sad. So, it is unclear from documentation and from blog (https://www.2ndquadrant.com/en/blog/how-to-automate-postgresql-12-replication-and-failover-with-repmgr-part-2/) does repmgr require ssh to operate with latest or not:
repmgr: 5.x
postgresql: 12.x

I just want to have a couple of nodes in primary-hotstandby mode with automatic fail-over.
Will the following scenario work:

  1. Install postgres (with repmgr extension)
  2. Install repmgr daemon and cli
  3. Init db on master
  4. register manually primary by repmgr cli (repmgrd will not register service automatically on start)
  5. register hotstandbys manually by repmgr cli (base backup will be performed, postgres started)
  6. start repmgrD
  7. Cluster fully operational here?


SSH is not required, but some functionality (particularly switchover) won't work without it.

See the documentation for details: https://repmgr.org/docs/current/configuration-prerequisites.html

I see that ssh required to stop current primary remotely. Got it. Thanks.