
rh-postgresql12-postgresql-server seems not compatible with repmgr

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I have installed postgres12 with https://centos.pkgs.org/7/centos-sclo-rh-x86_64/rh-postgresql12-postgresql-server-12.1-2.el7.x86_64.rpm.html from

My postgresql server works perfectly and now I have the service rh-postgresql12-postgresql-server started on my server.

I would like to install repmgr12 but the installer doesn't because he wants to install the dependancies postgresql12 as if rh-postgresql12 is already installed. Is there any solutions?

The repmgr packages provided by EDB, and the PGDG community packages, are not compatible with the RedHat PostgreSQL packages. If you have a RedHat subscription or similar, it might be worth asking RedHat if they can provide repmgr packages.

If you are using RedHat PostgreSQL packages from the provided link just because they're available, you'd be better off using the standard community packages.

See also: https://repmgr.org/docs/current/faq-general.html#FAQ-THIRD-PARTY-PACKAGES