
Incorrect random value for repmgr.get_upstream_node_id() on witness node

chvsunny opened this issue · 7 comments


We are using repmgr 5.2.1 and observing that the function repmgr.get_upstream_node_id() is always producing random values even though no change is cluster state.

pgwitness=# select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, node_id, type, upstream_node_id, get_upstream_node_id() from nodes where node_id = get_local_node_id();
       current_timestamp       | node_id |  type   | upstream_node_id | get_upstream_node_id
 2022-03-10 02:24:59.903786+00 |     101 | witness |                1 |                    1
(1 row)

pgwitness=# select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, node_id, type, upstream_node_id, get_upstream_node_id() from nodes where node_id = get_local_node_id();
       current_timestamp       | node_id |  type   | upstream_node_id | get_upstream_node_id
 2022-03-10 02:25:01.733538+00 |     101 | witness |                1 |                    2
(1 row)

pgwitness=# select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, node_id, type, upstream_node_id, get_upstream_node_id() from nodes where node_id = get_local_node_id();
       current_timestamp       | node_id |  type   | upstream_node_id | get_upstream_node_id
 2022-03-10 02:25:02.745435+00 |     101 | witness |                1 |                    2
(1 row)

pgwitness=# select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, node_id, type, upstream_node_id, get_upstream_node_id() from nodes where node_id = get_local_node_id();
       current_timestamp       | node_id |  type   | upstream_node_id | get_upstream_node_id
 2022-03-10 02:25:03.851729+00 |     101 | witness |                1 |                    2
(1 row)

pgwitness=# select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, node_id, type, upstream_node_id, get_upstream_node_id() from nodes where node_id = get_local_node_id();
       current_timestamp       | node_id |  type   | upstream_node_id | get_upstream_node_id
 2022-03-10 02:25:04.751673+00 |     101 | witness |                1 |                    1
(1 row)

pgwitness=# select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, node_id, type, upstream_node_id, get_upstream_node_id() from nodes where node_id = get_local_node_id();
       current_timestamp       | node_id |  type   | upstream_node_id | get_upstream_node_id
 2022-03-10 02:25:05.940818+00 |     101 | witness |                1 |                    2
(1 row)

pgwitness=# select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, node_id, type, upstream_node_id, get_upstream_node_id() from nodes where node_id = get_local_node_id();
      current_timestamp       | node_id |  type   | upstream_node_id | get_upstream_node_id
 2022-03-10 02:25:06.78803+00 |     101 | witness |                1 |                    1
(1 row)

pgwitness=# select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, node_id, type, upstream_node_id, get_upstream_node_id() from nodes where node_id = get_local_node_id();
       current_timestamp       | node_id |  type   | upstream_node_id | get_upstream_node_id
 2022-03-10 02:25:07.560983+00 |     101 | witness |                1 |                    2
(1 row)

pgwitness=# select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, node_id, type, upstream_node_id, get_upstream_node_id() from nodes where node_id = get_local_node_id();
       current_timestamp       | node_id |  type   | upstream_node_id | get_upstream_node_id
 2022-03-10 02:25:08.370091+00 |     101 | witness |                1 |                    1
(1 row)


FYI, we have one witness cluster acting as witness for multiple postgres clusters. All of these have separate databases in the witness cluster. We are seeing the same behaviour i.e., different value for get_upstream_node_id() in all the databases.

Further observations:

  1. stopped all the repmgrd daemons on the witness server and started only one repmgrd.
    Then for all the databases in witness, get_upstream_node_id() returns the value of the upstream node id for which repmgrd is running

  2. Started multiple repmgrd daemons
    Then the output of get_upstream_node_id() is flipping between the values of upstream node ids for which the repmgrd daemons are running.


Here is our sample file

# Required configuration items
conninfo='host=<fqdn_hostname> port=<port> sslmode=require dbname=repmgr user=repmgr connect_timeout=3 application_name=repmgrd'

# Replication settings

# Witness server settings

# Logging settings

# Event notification settings
event_notification_command='python /<path>/pg_repmgr_notifications.py <port> %n %e %s "%t" "%d"'

# Environment/command settings

# external command options
ssh_options='-p <ssh port>'

# Failover and monitoring settings (repmgrd)
reconnect_attempts=6               # Number of attempts which will be made to reconnect to an unreachable primary (or other upstream node)
reconnect_interval=5               # Interval between attempts to reconnect to an unreachable primary (or other upstream node)
failover_validation_command='python python /<path>/pre_failover_validation.py <port> %n %a'
promote_command='/usr/pgsql-<pg_version>/bin/repmgr standby promote -f <repmgrConfFile> --log-to-file --log-level DEBUG --verbose'
follow_command='/usr/pgsql-<pg_version>/bin/repmgr standby follow -f <repmgrConfFile> --log-to-file --log-level DEBUG --verbose --upstream-node-id=%n'
primary_visibility_consensus=true   # If "true", only continue with failover if no standbys have seen
					                          # the primary node recently. *Must* be the same on all nodes.

# service control commands
service_start_command='/usr/pgsql-<pg_version>/bin/pg_ctl -D <datadir> start'
service_stop_command='/usr/pgsql-<pg_version>/bin/pg_ctl -D <datadir> stop'
service_restart_command='/usr/pgsql-<pg_version>/bin/pg_ctl -D <datadir> restart'
service_reload_command='/usr/pgsql-<pg_version>/bin/pg_ctl -D <datadir> reload'

repmgrd_service_start_command='/usr/pgsql-<pg_version>/bin/repmgrd -f <repmgrConfFile> --daemonize'
repmgrd_service_stop_command='kill $(cat $(/usr/pgsql-<pg_version>/bin/repmgrd -f <repmgrConfFile> --show-pid-file))'


Can someone from repmgr team can look into this?

Sandeep Challa.

Further observations:

  1. stopped all the repmgrd daemons on the witness server and started only one repmgrd.
    Then for all the databases in witness, get_upstream_node_id() returns the value of the upstream node id for which repmgrd is running
  2. Started multiple repmgrd daemons
    Then the output of get_upstream_node_id() is flipping between the values of upstream node ids for which the repmgrd daemons are running.

That's because the upstream node ID is written to shared memory, so it will be overwritten by each running repmgrd instance.

You will need completely separate PostgreSQL instances if you want to use a single server for multiple witnesses.

Hi Ian,

Thanks for the update.
Does this mean that every postgresql cluster needs to have its own witness postgres instance?

I remember you updating an issue saying that a single witness postgres instance can act as witness for multiple postgres clusters by having its own database in the witness instance.


Here is the other issue #660 which I was referring to.