
A Collection of smart contracts to aid you with your web3 projects.

Primary LanguageSolidityMIT LicenseMIT

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Collection of deployable smart contracts for Ethereum-based chains to hasten development

📑 About Smart Contracts

The sole venue for smart contract programmers to display their concepts and work. To get you started on your web3 adventure, this repository will offer a selection of smart contracts ranging in difficulty from beginner to expert.

🗺️ How to Contribute?

  • Check out the current issues or start a new one!
  • Create a branch for each problem you are working on, fork the repository, and then commit your changes.
  • Create a Pull Request (PR), which will be promptly reviewed and given suggestions for improvements by the community.
  • Additionally, supply the solidity source files and a descriptive readme on how the smart contract works.

📝 How to make a Pull Request?

  1. Make a fork of the Smart-Contracts repository first. In the top right corner, click the fork icon.

  2. Clone your new fork of the repository:

git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/Smart-Contracts
  1. Navigate to the new project directory:
cd Smart-Contracts
  1. Set upstream command:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/web3astronaut/Smart-Contracts.git
  1. Create a new branch:
git checkout -b YourBranchName
  1. Sync your fork or local repository with the origin repository:
  • In your forked repository click on "Fetch upstream"
  • Click "Fetch and merge".
  1. Make your changes to the source code.

  2. Stage your changes and commit:

  • ⚠️ Make sure not to commit package.json or package-lock.json file

  • ⚠️ Make sure not to run the commands git add . or git add *. Instead, stage your changes for each file/folder

git add file/folder
git commit -m "<your_commit_message>"
  1. Push your local commits to the remote repository:
git push origin YourBranchName
  1. Create a Pull Request!

  2. Congratulations! You've made your first contribution! 🙌🏼

🐛 Bug reports

Found a security issue with our smart contracts? raise an issue and we'll continue communicating with you from there.

🫡 Contributors

Vedant Chainani

Give this repository a to show your support.