
Magnet length Lmag

Opened this issue · 1 comments


i think there is an issue with Magnet.Lmag, i.e. property Lmag isn't editable in the GUI (except for PMSlot17).
This will cause wrong results since Lmag is used e.g. to calculate magnet masses or losses in LossFEMM.

So we should make Lmag accessable in the GUI or automatically set it to its respective lamination length. Latter may only be a quick fix.

Further we should clearly point out how different lamination lengths (rotor, stator, magnet, ...) are accounted for e.g. in 2D calculations (MagFEMM, MagElmer, ...).

Best regards, Sebastian


Yes it is an hidden problem for a long time. Where do you think we can set this parameter ? In SLamShape just bellow L1 ? Technically we can set a different Lmag for each magnet but I don't think we need that much complexity in the GUI (it can be done in scripting if needed). We can also add the magnet mass in the machine summary (if it is not already there).

Best regards,