
This version of orthopy is no longer supported. Please update.

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Dear All,

When I launch Pyleecan from the command prompt I get the above message and I cant launch the GUI.

Installing collected packages: orthopy
Attempting uninstall: orthopy
Found existing installation: orthopy 0.8.92
Uninstalling orthopy-0.8.92:
Successfully uninstalled orthopy-0.8.92
Successfully installed orthopy-0.8.93

C:\Users\Haris>python -m pyleecan
Warning: Unable to find valid license in

  • environment variable SIGMA_LICENSE_KEY (env var not found), or
  • config file C:\Users\Haris\AppData\Local\sigma\sigma.toml (file not found)

Enter new license key for sigma:

Can someone help?

I think this is linked to issue #581, can you uninstall quadpy ?
I will create a new release.

Thank u. I will wait for your new release.

and please update your website. No information on the latest release and how to install it yet.

It seems to be working now. Thank you for ur new release. I hope u can update ur website.
Happy New Year.

Which part of the website needs to be updated ? 1.4.2 doesn't change that much the content of the exe and I checked the exe from 1.4.1 is still working on my side.
Happy New Year,