
Error while saving results: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'warnings'

Opened this issue · 10 comments

Dear All,

I am getting the above warning after I upgraded to a new version yesterday.

Do you have any idea how to remove this warning pls?


Which version of numpy are you using ? I have 1.21.4 on my side.

Best regards,

Name: numpy
Version: 1.24.0
Summary: Fundamental package for array computing in Python
Home-page: https://www.numpy.org
Author: Travis E. Oliphant et al.
License: BSD-3-Clause
Location: c:\users\haris\appdata\local\programs\python\python38\lib\site-packages
Required-by: autograd, cma, contourpy, cplot, deap, h5py, imageio, matplotlib, matplotx, meshio, npx, orthopy, pandas, pyDOE2, pyleecan, pymoo, pyqtgraph, pyuff, pyvista, quadpy, SciDataTool, scikit-learn, scipy, swat-em

One more issue has started, whatever we are trying simulation is giving an error
[20:16:26] Starting Magnetic module
[20:16:26] Computing Airgap Flux in FEMM
[20:16:28] Error while running simulation:
error: Material properties have not been defined for all regions
[20:17:36] Error while running simulation:
error: Material properties have not been defined for all regions
[20:17:36] Error while saving results:
local variable 'out' referenced before assignment

error: Material properties have not been defined for all regions => Check the fem file, most of the time this error message means that something is wrong in the machine drawing/definition.

Well, it was working for the first time.
I recreated everything now it is not working. Tried a different design again it does not work.
Well if we save the file in a different location does it create this issue? In FEM I am noticing it is not assigning material properties to Rotor laminate.
I tried to create it in FEM and then exported the DXF file. Well, it fails again. Is something wrong ?...

All seems to be working on my side with the default machines.
Can you try to run a simulation with the Prius ?
Can you share your machine/simulation/fem file ?

yes, Prius works. But all that we are trying does not work from the evening...
I am trying a new model let us see if it works

Dear Pierre,

It seems the DXF file is the issue.
I tried a new model using features in your tool and simulation works.
It fails when I try to import some random design using a DXF import from either FEM or CAD.

I will try in a different way tomorrow.

Good night.


Dear Pierre,

What should be the tolerance we can maintain in CAD drawings?. It seems if we have slits or gaps of less than 50 microns we are getting a variety of errors. Solving one after the other is taking a lot of time but the same if we directly try using FEMM.info software it works like charm. we are trying designs with 30-40 microns i.e. example space between magnets and laminates, etc so that we can look at deviations due to antirust coatings, adhesives, rotor shaft and rotor - shrinkfit ....etc

Your feedback would be much appreciated.
One more observation. I have noticed sometimes the magnet defaults to Prius magnets. Not sure why?...

example of some errors

Saving Simu1 to file 'C:/Users/Haris/Downloads/2023_01_05-14h32min09s_FEMM_example\FEMM_example.json'.
[14:32:09] Starting running simulation FEMM_example (machine=example)
[14:32:09] Starting Magnetic module
[14:32:10] Computing Airgap Flux in FEMM
[14:36:50] Error while running simulation:
error: Some regions in the problem have been defined
by more than one block label. These potentially
problematic regions will appear as selected in
the initial view.
[15:34:31] Error while running simulation:
error: Some regions in the problem have been defined
by more than one block label. These potentially
problematic regions will appear as selected in
the initial view.
[15:34:31] Error while saving results:
local variable 'out' referenced before assignment
[15:34:32] Error while saving results:
local variable 'out' referenced before assignment
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\users\haris\downloads\pyleecan-1.4.2.tar\pyleecan-1.4.2\pyleecan-1.4.2\pyleecan\GUI\Dialog\DMachineSetup\SSimu\SSimu.py", line 206, in run
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'out' referenced before assignment

Dear Pierre,

Solved the issues. I believe it has to do with tolerance. Was able to run the simulation. But I am still getting the issue wrt numpy.

[20:10:16] Starting running simulation FEMM_example (machine=example)
[20:10:16] Starting Magnetic module
[20:10:16] Computing Airgap Flux in FEMM
[20:22:10] End of simulation FEMM_example
[20:22:10] Error while saving results:
module 'numpy' has no attribute 'warnings'
[20:22:19] Error while saving results:
module 'numpy' has no attribute 'warnings'