
ImportError: cannot import name 'FEMMHandler'

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ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 22
19 example1.plot()
21 # Check FEMM installation
---> 22 from pyleecan.Classes._FEMMHandler import FEMMHandler
24 femm = FEMMHandler()
25 femm.openfemm(0)

ImportError: cannot import name 'FEMMHandler' from 'pyleecan.Classes._FEMMHandler' (c:\users\haris\downloads\pyleecan-1.4.2.tar\pyleecan-1.4.2\pyleecan-1.4.2\pyleecan\Classes_FEMMHandler.py)

how to solve the above issue pls


Do you still have this error ? I think it may be just a typo "FEMMHandler" instead of "_FEMMHandler"

Best regards,

No. I have resolved it.