
Problem with tutorial "Iterating on several Operating Point"

Opened this issue · 4 comments


"Pyleecan" is a wonderful product, and is making my life a lot easier when I try to simulate SPMS motors. Thanks a lot for the initiative.
When I try to run the "Iterating on several Operating Point" from the tutorial "https://www.pyleecan.org/tuto_Operating_point.html" , I get following error.

I tried checking on the attribute list of the 'ValLoadCurrent' class... could not find the needed attribute. Please help me move past this error.

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_11892\1967870894.py in
28 print(simu_vop.input.OP.get_I0_Phi0())
29 # Column name are given in the order of OP_matrix
---> 30 varload.set_OP_matrix(OP_matrix, "N0", "I0", "Phi0", "Tem")
31 # The operating point of the simulation is automatically set as
32 # the first one from the OP_matrix (to speed-up computation due to how pyleecan works)

AttributeError: 'VarLoadCurrent' object has no attribute 'set_OP_matrix'

I just saw a proposed solution in another thread. I tried that version, but still getting error. Please see below.
Kindly help.

from numpy import linspace, array, pi
Tem_av_ref = array([0,12.5, 24.7, 35, 40.5, 45])
Phi0_ref = linspace(60 * pi / 180, 180 * pi / 180, Tem_av_ref.size)
N_simu = Tem_av_ref.size

# Create new Variable speed simulation
simu_vop = simu_op.copy()
simu_vop.mag.import_file = None
varload = VarLoadCurrent()
simu_vop.var_simu = varload

# Creating the Operating point matrix
OP_matrix = zeros((N_simu,5))

# Set N0 = 450 [rpm] for all simulation
OP_matrix[:,0] = [0,150,250,350,450,500]

# Set I0 = 10 / sqrt(2) [A] (RMS) for all simulation
OP_matrix[:,1] = I0_rms * ones((N_simu))

# Set Phi0 from 60° to 180°
OP_matrix[:,2] = Phi0_ref

# Set reference torque from Yang et al, 2013
OP_matrix[:,3] = Tem_av_ref
OP_matrix[:, 4] = [0, 196.35, 646.6, 1282.8, 1908.5, 2356.2] # power

print("Operating Point matrix:")
print("Original Operating point:")
# Column name are given in the order of OP_matrix
varload.set_OP_array(OP_matrix, "N0", "I0", "Phi0", "Tem")
# The operating point of the simulation is automatically set as
# the first one from the OP_matrix (to speed-up computation due to how pyleecan works)
print("Updated Operating point:")

# All the simulation use the same machine
# No need to draw the machine for all OP

# Add I0/Phi0 to the data available at the end of the simulation
I0_dk = DataKeeper(
name="Stator current rms amplitude",
keeper="lambda output: output.elec.OP.get_I0_Phi0()['I0']",
Phi0_dk = DataKeeper(
name="Stator current phase",
keeper="lambda output: output.elec.OP.get_I0_Phi0()['Phi0']",
varload.datakeeper_list= [I0_dk, Phi0_dk]

Xout = simu_vop.run()

I get following error:

[12:35:51] Starting running simulation FEMM_XXXXXXX

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_11892\2456258834.py in
----> 1 Xout = simu_vop.run()

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pyleecan\Methods\Simulation\Simulation\run.py in run(self)
37 # Compute the multisimulation
---> 38 self.var_simu.run()
40 # 'normal' simulation

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pyleecan\Methods\Simulation\VarSimu\run.py in run(self)
38 # Generate simulation list and ParamExplorerValue list
---> 39 simu_dict = self.generate_simulation_list(ref_simu)
40 # Generate default datakeeper
41 self.gen_datakeeper_list(ref_simu)

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pyleecan\Methods\Simulation\VarLoadCurrent\generate_simulation_list.py in generate_simulation_list(self, ref_simu)
30 # Other parameters can be stored in a dedicated ParamExplorerSet if needed
31 multisim_dict["paramexplorer_list"].append(
---> 32 ParamExplorerSet(
33 name="InputCurrent",
34 symbol="In",

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pyleecan\Classes\ParamExplorerSet.py in init(self, value, name, symbol, unit, setter, getter, init_dict, init_str)
143 self.value = value
144 # Call ParamExplorer init
--> 145 super(ParamExplorerSet, self).init(
146 name=name, symbol=symbol, unit=unit, setter=setter, getter=getter
147 )

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pyleecan\Classes\ParamExplorer.py in init(self, name, symbol, unit, setter, getter, init_dict, init_str)
125 self.symbol = symbol
126 self.unit = unit
--> 127 self.setter = setter
128 self.getter = getter

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pyleecan\Classes_frozen.py in setattr(self, key, value)
33 self.class.name + ' class has no "' + key + '" ' "property"
34 )
---> 35 object.setattr(self, key, value)
37 def _freeze(self):

TypeError: 'property' object is not callable


Sorry for the delay to answer, I was in holiday last week.
Your error message is rather strange. It looks like an internal error on a part that have a fair amount of tests. I will try to investigate when I will have some time. Which version of pyleecan/python are you using ?

Best regards,

Thanks for your response.
I am using
Python version: 3.9.13 (Jupyter Notebook)
Pyleecan version: 1.4.2
SciDataTool version: 2.5.0

Best regards,


I just release pyleecan1.5.0 and updated all the tutorials on the website (there is a new loss tutorial). Normally the DataKeeper issue should be solved.
Do you need further help or can we close this issue ?

Best regards,